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Common Cold

Influenza (Flu)

Runny or stuffy nose

Sudden high fever (≥100.4°F/38°C)


Severe body aches and fatigue

Sore throat

Dry cough and chest discomfort

Mild cough

Headache and chills

Mild fatigue

Sore throat and nasal congestion (less common)

Rarely fever

Nausea/vomiting (more common in children)

Red Flags (Seek Immediate Care):

  • Difficulty breathing or chest pain.
  • Persistent fever (>3 days) or confusion.
  • Bluish lips/face (indicative of hypoxia).

Severe dehydration (reduced urination, dizziness) (Mayo Clinic

  1. Common Cold:
    • Viruses: Rhinoviruses (50–80%), coronaviruses, adenoviruses.
    • Transmission: Respiratory droplets, contaminated surfaces.
  2. Influenza:
    • Viruses: Influenza A (H1N1, H3N2), B, and C strains.
    • Transmission: Airborne droplets; highly contagious.
  3. Risk Factors:
    • Age (children, elderly), immunocompromised states, chronic diseases (asthma, diabetes).
    • Seasonal peaks (cold: fall/winter; flu: winter/spring) (WHO).
  1. Hygiene Practices:
    • Frequent handwashing with soap or alcohol-based sanitizers.
    • Avoid touching eyes, nose, and mouth.
  2. Vaccination:
    • Flu Vaccine: Annual immunization reduces severity and complications (WHO recommends for all ≥6 months).
    • No vaccine for the common cold.
  3. Environmental Measures:
    • Disinfect surfaces, use masks in crowded settings.
  4. Immune Support:
    • Balanced diet (vitamin C, zinc), adequate sleep, hydration (Lippincott Textbook of Pharmacology).
  1. Common Cold:
  • Symptomatic Relief:
    • Decongestants: Pseudoephedrine (oral) or oxymetazoline (nasal spray) – limit to 3 days to avoid rebound congestion (BNF).
    • Antihistamines: Loratadine or cetirizine for runny nose/sneezing.
    • Analgesics: Acetaminophen or ibuprofen for sore throat/headache.
  • Hydration: Warm fluids (tea, broth) to soothe throat and thin mucus.
  • Avoid Antibiotics: Ineffective against viruses (Comprehensive Pharmacy Review).
  1. Influenza:
  • Antiviral Medications:
    • Oseltamivir (Tamiflu): Start within 48 hours of symptom onset to reduce duration.
    • Zanamivir (Relenza): Inhaled antiviral for non-asthmatic patients.
  • Symptomatic Care:
    • Rest, hydration, and antipyretics (acetaminophen for children; avoid aspirin due to Reye’s syndrome risk).
  • Hospitalization: Required for severe cases (e.g., pneumonia, sepsis) (Lange Textbook of Clinical Pharmacology).
  1. Supportive Therapies:
  • Humidifiers: Ease nasal congestion.
  • Honey: For cough relief (avoid in children <1 year).
  • Common Cold: Sinusitis, ear infections, asthma exacerbations.
  • Influenza: Pneumonia, myocarditis, sepsis, worsening of chronic conditions (COPD, heart failure) (Lippincott Review of Pathology).

While the common cold and flu are often self-limiting, their impact on health and productivity underscores the importance of prevention and early intervention. Vaccination, hygiene, and prompt antiviral use for flu can mitigate risks. Always consult healthcare providers for persistent symptoms or high-risk conditions

Common Cold & Influenza (Flu)

The common cold and influenza (flu) are viral respiratory infections that affect millions globally each year. While both share overlapping symptoms, they differ in severity, causative agents, and potential complications. The common cold, typically caused by rhinoviruses, is mild and self-limiting, whereas the flu, caused by influenza viruses (A, B, and C), can lead to severe illness and hospitalization. This article integrates insights from leading medical sources to outline their signs, causes, prevention strategies, and evidence-based treatments

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